Flash Drives: lesson plan 1

Lesson 1: Materials Models for Flash Drives

Objective(s) - students will be able

1. To discuss and provide examples of how materials are used in Flash Drives

2. To define and provide examples of flash drive functions

3. To define and provide examples of flash drive dimensions and the units used to measure them

4. To apply the concepts of function, independent and dependent variable to describe relationships between material models using multiple representations of functions

5. To classify the relationship between variables associated with material models

6. To pose questions about the performance of material models

7. Describe the difference between material models

8. Define material models

Prerequisite skills

Graphing two-variable data, evaluating expressions, translating verbal phrases and sentences to algebraic expressions and equations, solving equations, creating and interpreting tables and graphs on coordinate plane


Ruler or tape measure, scale, thermometer, timer

Worksheet or text with tables of different types of function, without the equations

Relevant Vocabulary, Terms and Symbols

Materials, dimensions, functions, mapping diagram, graphing, variables


Students should be prompted to discuss different types of materials that are measured and observed. They should also discuss what types of instruments are used for the measurements. This discussion should result in defining dimensions. As a class, we list different units that are used to measure the dimensions of mass, transfer, molecular attributes, time and temperature. Review the definition of function. Use the student as function input metaphor - can’t go to two places at once. Encourage students to come up with measureable quantities and measurement units. Prepare a measurement activity that involves a simple linear function. Prepare tables of different types of functions related to Materials Models for review of function types. Prompt students to classify each table as a type of function. Describe natural pandemics and epidemics, the different types of Materials Models , and their characteristics. Use the case studies to provide an example of each type of flash drive to be studied. An overhead slide show would nicely show the attributes of the CISC and RISC Flash Drives. Ask questions about the characteristics of Materials used in Flash Drives, i.e. “are these related? How is that so?” Provide encouragement and feedback.

Student tasks

Form small groups

List examples of quantities that we measure in the environment

Classify each type of quantity by its dimension, and give an example of units

Discuss how some comparative variables may be related

Find two quantities that have a functional relationship

Describe the functional relationship in words using “is a function of” and symbols using a = f(b)

Present one of your functions to the class, with both verbal and symbolic representations

Engage in measurement activity involving magnitude, time, and force, using ruler, clock, and scale any distance, rate, and time problem would suffice

Classify a function represented with a table as linear, quadratic or exponential

Answer elementary questions about the Material Models discussed, define terms


For each of the following pairs of associations, determine the dimension and possible units of each variable, and determine if there may be a functional relationship between the two.

Then identify the independent and dependent variables, and write a sentence that describes the relationship.

Mass and temperature

Material and Molecular properties

Time and temperature

Give examples of dimensions and units

What is the difference between a material and a method?

What questions can be asked about these events?

What type of experiments would create answers to these questions?