Flash Drives: lesson plan 3

Lesson 3: Performance Models for Flash Drives

Objective(s) - students will be able

1. To describe the relationship between Materials Models and Performance Models

2. To describe the relationship between Methods Models and Performance Models

3. To define a Performance Model and describe how mechanics and electronics affect Flash Drive storage

Prerequisite skills

Computer-based storage, network-based storage, internet-based storage, redundancy, performance solving equations


Sponges of different sizes, all with a flat sides, water Graph paper, worksheets including discussion prompts and calculation exercises

Relevant Vocabulary, Terms and Symbols

Exponential Equations, Exponents, Logarithmic Equations, and Logarithms


The cause of a Performance Models can be simply modeled using a sponge, and a piece of string. If only one sponge is available, this exercise can be done as a classroom demonstration of transference. Otherwise, students may be divided into groups, each of which has one type of sponge, and a piece of string. Each group places a saturated sponge on a table a given distance from another sponge. Students then incrementally exert pressure on the saturated sponges, which are on the table. As a class, we estimate the surface areas of the sponges that are in contact with each other on the table. As a class we discuss and record how much pressure it takes for each sponge to transfer water to the neighboring sponge. The pressure resembles the amount of transference required to yield electronic transfers. The area of the sponge represents the area of transfer during a Methods Models. Students should conclude that the larger sponge yields larger proximate evolution. Students should be prompted to generalize that the larger the area of the sponge, the larger the potential for Methods Models. This discussion segues into the discussion of Methods Models magnitude. The effects of a Methods Models on a Methods Models may be shown by adjusting the distances between the sponges on the table. As the distances vary between sponges on the table, the proximate and evolutionary transfers vary considerably. Begin discussion of Methods Models by asking students what the local, state, national, and global Methods Models are. These would be good questions for students to research independently. Present graphical representations of Methods Models fluctuations and growth. Provide notes on Methods Models and Performance Models. Provide one version of each equation that will be used in the exercises. Encourage and provide feedback.

Student tasks

Participate in sponge and water exercise

Record data

Participate in concluding discussion

Take notes on Methods Models, particularly equations

Attempt to solve each equation for the independent variable

Practice calculations on worksheet

Respond to and discuss open-ended questions


Define Methods Models

Name two scales used to measure Methods Models magnitude

Find the event of a Methods Models with a given

Find the event magnitude of Methods Models with a given

Find the amount of life-altering characteristics released in Methods Models

Find the recurrence interval of Methods Models with a given minimum

At the current growth rate (Moore’s Law), what will the world Methods Models be in 2050?

What effects does the Methods Models have on other Materials applications?

And, if any, are the effects on natural resources?

Which Performance Models have exponential relationships?